
Submitted by oldAdministrator on

Waiting for the Spark

What could start a popular resurgence in this country against the abuses of concentrated, avaricious corporatism? Imagine the arrogance of passing on to already cheated working people and the jobless enormous corporate losses? This is achieved through government bailouts and tax escapes.

In The Public Interest

Stories from Main Street: Catie Sager, RN, says everyone deserves to retire with dignity.

For years, Americans believed if we worked hard, took care of our families, and followed the rules that we would eventually be allowed to retire with dignity. That’s not the case anymore.


The Real Cure for "Obamacare": Medicare for All

With the approaching Supreme Court showdown on the President Obama’s 2010 health care law (the Affordable Care Act, modeled on Mitt Romney’s law in Massachusetts), the U.S. healthcare system remains a dysfunctional mess, as nurses bear witness to every day. By RoseAnn DeMoro, NNU Executive Director

NNU Blog

Nurses to Join July 24 DC March to Demand a Robin Hood Tax to Help End AIDS

Registered nurse from across the U.S. will be joining others as they march through the streets of Washington DC, demanding more funding for HIV/AIDS treatment. One critical way to raise hundreds of billions of dollars every year to fight AIDS, as well as address other basic needs, is with a small tax on Wall Street financial speculation – the Robin Hood Tax.

NNU Blog

101 Reasons For RN Unity: Why it’s a critical time to take our RN movement to the next level

If there was ever a critical moment for building a powerful, effective movement of all registered nurses to protect the interests of patients and nurses, that time has surely come. Here are 101 reasons for RN unity. All reflect the way in which nurses, their patients, practice, families, and communities are under attack. Let’s call this a partial list. Add your own reasons. I welcome your thoughts.

NNU Blog by Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro

NURSE TALK RADIO: Missouri RNs fight for safe lift bill - HB 856

The statistics regarding back injuries are frightening! Approximately 80% of adults are expected to experience back injuries in their lifetime with 10% re-injuring! When it comes to health care professionals, the facts get are even worse.

Nurse Talk Radio

Sgro: Wake up and smell smoke of bad decisions

The Rim Fire above Yosemite is hitting very close to home for me and my family, even though we live in Clovis. I am an emergency room registered nurse and my husband is a firefighter. As a trauma nurse, I see the deadly impacts that fire and smoke can have on our community's health: children with asthma that turns life threatening, the elderly with emphysema gasping for a breath, homeowners trying to protect their property left with second- and third-degree burns.

By Rhonda Sgro, RN

Updates on RNRN Haiyan/Yolanda Relief Efforts

Our fifth team of RN volunteers, part of the National Nurses United’s Registered Nurse Response Network, is currently in the Philippines to provide medical support for those who continue to be affected by the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda. The super typhoon killed over six thousand people, left almost two thousand missing and 4 million either homeless or with damaged homes.

RN Response Network

Tell the FDA— Protect the Public's Health—Regulate Healthcare Technology!

The Food and Drug Administration has already suggested that it thinks that regulation of Health Information Technology and Clinical Decision Support systems are NOT necessary! The FDA is now taking public comments and they need to hear your voice to protect our patients.

National Nurses United

Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street Needed for Broad Economic Reform

National Nurses United today welcomed President Obama’s call to reduce income inequality in the U.S. through new taxes on financial institutions and the wealthiest Americans as a “fresh start,” but called on the White House and Congress to go farther and adopt a robust tax on Wall Street speculation to raise the “real revenue needed to repair the U.S. economy and meet the human needs still neglected by the Wall Street-created economic crash.

National Nurses United