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It May Not Be Making Headlines But That Doesn't Mean It's Over....Update on EBOLA

Although EBOLA has all but vanished from the news it is still not over by any measure. RN DeAnn McEwen, Nursing Practice, Health and Safety Specialist for National Nurses United joins Casey and Shayne to talk about current issues and remaining challenges in the fight.

Nurse Talk Radio

RNs Report Back From Sea on the Continuing Promise Mission to 11 Countries with U.S. Service Members

It is now two months into the Continuing Promise 2015 (CP-15) mission, on which the nurses have joined joint military personnel and health care professionals, engineers, veterinarians and environmental health experts for a humanitarian assistance mission that includes mission stops in 11 countries in South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

RN Response Network

Populist Poposals Remind Why Nurses Trust Bernie Sanders to Heal America

In recent days, the Democratic Party establishment has stepped up efforts to freeze the momentum for Sen. Bernie Sanders, pressing Democratic Party office holders, who are also convention super delegates, to get in line and trying to create an impression that the contest is over.

RoseAnn DeMoro, via The Huffington Post

Help us Defeat Senate Bill 1195

The bill unfortunately will go to the Senate floor TOMORROW, June 2nd. It is more urgent than ever that you call and email your state senator TODAY and tell her/him that you want her/him to OPPOSE THIS DANGEROUS BILL.

California Nurses Association

National Nurses United Supports Colorado Single Payer Amendment

Nurses and over 200 other organizations are supporting Colorado Amendment 69, single payer healthcare for all Coloradans.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

President Trump’s False Promises on Healthcare

Instead of his prior guarantee that no one would lose coverage gained through the Affordable Care Act, Trump adopted the double speak offered by now Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price in his confirmation hearings, that Americans with pre-existing conditions will have “access” to coverage.

NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro, Contributing to The Hill

The Public Option – Doomed From the Start

With the collapse of the dismal Republican healthcare bill, some Democrats are reviving talk of a public option as the cure for the holes in the Affordable Care Act that opened the door for the GOP attack.

NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro writing for Common Dreams

Michael Lighty

New Medicaid Work Requirements Will Deny More Care

Having failed to repeal the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, the Trump Administration wants to open the door for states to dismantle this essential safety net program by allowin

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurses Heal California

Two California Bills Seek to Cut Costs By Diverting Uninsured, Medi-Cal Patients Away From Nurse Care. It’s Not Okay.

In 2013, Susan Miller, of Aurora, Illinois sued the city and fire department, arguing that paramedics thought she was drunk and advised her to “sleep it off.” In reality, she was experiencing a stroke.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director, National Nurses United

Ben Day, Executive Director for Healthcare NOW

An Interview with Executive Director for Healthcare NOW Ben Day

Ben Day is no stranger to the National Single Payer movement. He currently serves as Executive Director of Healthcare NOW and prior to taking on this role he was the Executive Director of MASS-Care, the Massachusetts Campaign for Single Payer Health Care, for eight years.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio