Frequently asked questions about RNRN deployment

How will I be notified of a deployment in the event of an emergency/disaster?
RNRN will first determine which nurses are most needed, taking into account the location and type of emergency, along with information supplied to us by on-site health care providers. RNRN typically sends out an email alert with questions that are specific to that particular deployment. Interested volunteers should return the questionnaire as soon as possible. If you meet the criteria for the deployment RNRN staff will call to follow up with more information.
In order to insure that our phone, fax and email systems are available, we ask our volunteers to not contact us directly during an emergency until being notified that they are a potential match. Do not make arrangements (including a release from work) without being told you have been chosen to deploy.
If I volunteer, will I be deployed?
Signing up to volunteer with RNRN does not guarantee or assure that you will be called up for a disaster. If you are, it will be your choice of whether you wish to volunteer your services for that specific disaster.
What conditions should I expect during deployment?
The conditions are likely to be very austere. RNRN will provide room accommodations but many volunteers may sleep on cots or in sleeping bags. Depending on the type of emergency/disaster, there may be limited or no electricity, potable water, phone service, air conditioning, and other amenities. Volunteers will have to carry their own luggage and must be able to deal with stressful situations.
Will I be paid a stipend during deployment?
No. RNRN is strictly voluntary.
Will RNRN volunteers be deployed together?
Not necessarily; RNRN will deploy volunteers based upon need, skill sets, and priority.
How long should I expect to be deployed?
The average deployment is between 7-10 days, but that is not guaranteed. Past deployments have ranged from 7 days to 6 weeks.
Will I have to pay for my own travel, lodging, or other expenses?
Travel and lodging will be arranged for and provided by RNRN.
How are logistics (e.g., travel, lodging, meals) handled?
Once you have agreed to deploy, RNRN will provide you with a briefing including specific information about travel arrangements, what to bring, necessary paperwork etc.
Will I have to provide additional information at the time of deployment?
The specific criteria and requirements for each deployment will vary, but we typically require that volunteers provide us with up-to-date health, identification, insurance, licensure and current certification information, along with a consent to release necessary personal information, and a waiver of liability.