
Environmental Justice

As nurses, we recognize that bold action is needed to address the catastrophic health impacts of global warming, and the associated extreme weather conditions such as wide spread drought, wildfires, and flooding all over world. We witness daily the illness brought on by environmental injustice in our communities; disease from air pollution, inadequate access to clean water, substandard and polluted housing, and toxic dumping. We know that globally 8 million people die annually from illnesses directly attributable to air pollution, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels. If present trends continue, the world is facing a catastrophic increase in global temperature between 3.7 and 6 degrees celsius by the end of the century. As temperatures rise, vector-born diseases, such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever and lyme are expected to spike. In addition, further global warming will magnify the already disastrous health impacts of fossil fuel pollution, hunger and malnutrition due to desertification, devastation and displacement from severe weather events and sea level rise, all leading to immeasurable human suffering and economic ruination.

CNA/NNOC is committed to providing relief for communities impacted by extreme weather events and environmental injustice both in the US and around the world. We are committed to supporting policy measures to protect, air, food, and water services for all people. We support the Paris Accord, the transition from fossil fuels to a clean energy sector. We will continue to work in our communities, nationally and internationally, to build a powerful movement for environmental and climate justice with the life-and-death urgency the this task requires.

Resolution on Environmental and Climate Justice »

NNU President Jean Ross on Zoom call

Nurse union leaders worldwide demand government action on health impacts of climate crisis

At a late November briefing for members of the global press, Global Nurses United released a statement urging governments to take action against the health impacts of climate change, in advance of international climate negotiations at COP28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

January 12, 2024

Nurses demand climate action

Nurses' statement on Trump administration’s so-called “Affordable Clean Energy” rule

National Nurses United condemns the Trump Administration’s callous and ill-advised effort to undo the historic Clean Power Plan of 2015 that seeks to reduce toxic carbon pollution from power plants

National Nurses United

Obama's Pipeline Quagmire

It was the most extraordinary citizen organizing feat in recent White House history. Over 1200 Americans from 50 states came to Washington and were arrested in front of the White House to demonstrate their opposition to a forthcoming Obama approval of the Keystone XL dirty oil pipeline from Alberta, Canada down to the Gulf Coast.

In The Public Interest

Florida nurses holding sign

Florida Nurses Fight to Ban Fracking, Protect the Planet

Several National Nurses Organizing Committee RNs representing Florida's Gulf Coast traveled to the state capital in Tallahassee March 13 to call on their lawmakers to ban fracking. There are currently five bills in Florida’s House and Senate that call for a ban on fracking, but several of the bills have loopholes that will allow big oil to start fracking in the Sunshine State.

National Nurses United