
Global Nurses United

Global Nurses United (GNU) aims to step up fight against austerity, privatization, attacks on public health and work for safe nurse staffing ratios, and improved patient care for all.

Global Nurses United is a federation of nurse and health care worker unions in more than 30 nations, coming together to step up the fight against austerity, privatization, and attacks on public health—and to work for nurses’ and workers’ rights and improved patient care for all.

Federación de Enfermeras del Ministério de Salud del Per

NNU President Jean Ross on Zoom call

Nurse union leaders worldwide demand government action on health impacts of climate crisis

At a late November briefing for members of the global press, Global Nurses United released a statement urging governments to take action against the health impacts of climate change, in advance of international climate negotiations at COP28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

January 12, 2024

Korean nurses holding signs calling for global solidarity

Nurses join forces globally to share information and take action on Covid-19 protections

Nurses have long known they face common threats all around the world, from short staffing to privatization of care. Now, a deadly virus with no borders — and lax guidelines on protections — have underscored the importance of standing together globally.

July 3, 2020

Large group of nurses on stage in front of banner "Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly"

A Whole New World

At the 2019 Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly, RNs and allies from across the planet envision a society based on care, not profit. Nurses and allies shared their stories of organizing, of challenges, and of victories in their struggle for health care, social, economic, and racial justice.

October 4, 2019