Quarterly Roundups
Read our latest quarterly roundups for updates from all our CHEU hospitals.

In honor, solidarity, and grief, we pay tribute to Chuck Maltzahn, one of the founders of the Caregivers and Healthcare Employees Union (CHEU) who passed away on January 31, 2023. Chuck worked as an RT for 40 years, retiring from Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in 2014, and spent his years post-retirement working closely with the CHEU executive board sharing his passion for health care worker justice. His love of the union ran deep, and his contributions to the union will forever be a part of his legacy and the history and legacy of CHEU. We will all miss him dearly.
Chuck is survived by his wife Carol, a son, and a daughter. Carol tells us that Chuck is reunited with their son in heaven, playing pool, and drinking bourbon. This sounds like Chuck!
Why Caregiver and Healthcare Employees want CHEU
The Caregivers Union is an independent union formed in 2001 by hospital employees to win strong union representation, better benefits and improved conditions for employees and patients. Caregivers Union is an affiliate of the National Nurses Organizing Committee (NNOC/CNA).
Workplace Violence Regulations
The California Nurses Association (CNA) sponsored S.B. 1299 in response to workplace violence as a serious occupational hazard for registered nurses and other healthcare workers. S.B. 1299 became law in 2014 and directed Cal/OSHA to develop a comprehensive workplace violence prevention standard for hospitals and other healthcare settings. CNA members provided significant testimony during the rulemaking process, which enabled Cal/OSHA to develop comprehensive regulations that are a model for the nation.