
Assemblymember Ash Kalra, California Nurses Association introduce CalCare legislation
Improving upon AB 1400 from last session, AB 2200 would guarantee comprehensive, high-quality health care for all Californians as a human right. Read the press release »

Sign the petition in support of CalCare
Join us in calling on the California legislature, all elected officials, and all political candidates to commit to fighting for the passage of single-payer guaranteed health care in California.

Sign up to be a CalCare District Leader!
California Nurses Association is looking for committed CalCare supporters all across the state to organize in their Assembly district. CalCare District Leaders will work closely with CNA staff and other volunteers on getting their legislators to actively support CalCare.

Read the seven CalCare principles
CalCare is the solution to our broken health care system. It will guarantee health care as a human right in the state of California by providing comprehensive, high quality health care to all, just like Medicare for All would do nationally.

CalCare labor FAQ
Building support in the labor movement is essential to getting CalCare passed. Learn more about why and how labor unions should support CalCare, and how it would affect existing health care plans.
CalCare talking points
Use our talking points on why CalCare is needed and how it would work.
See our list of CalCare Pledge signers
We're asking elected officials and candidates to sign our pledge to do everything in their power to fight for the passage of single-payer guaranteed health care in California.
A.B. 2200 California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act (CalCare)
Learn more about the bill by reading our fact sheet.

Sign up to join our movement of thousands of activists, volunteers, and supporters who are fighting for a single-payer health care system that prioritizes patients over profits.
Press releases

Californians need CalCare, not Sacramento stall tactics
Nurses know that passing legislation to create CalCare is of life-and-death urgency and the most critical step towards guaranteeing health care for all Californians. That’s why we don’t support the approach proposed in SB 770, which would put the bureaucratic cart before the health care horse.

Building the movement for CalCare in 2023: Our five-part plan
The California Nurses Association is dedicated to extending that care to everyone, and that’s why we continue to work tirelessly to build a just health care system that is there for everyone when they need it. We are doubling down on our long-held commitment to fight for and win CalCare.
Why I voted no on the Healthy California for All Commission final report
Read our blog post by California Nurses Association lead regulatory policy specialist and Healthy California for All Commission member Carmen Comsti to learn how the Commission did not fulfill its stated goal when the final report was delivered in April, 2022.
Nurses will never give up on their patients, will keep fighting for CalCare
Read our blog post on what happened with AB 1400 and how we move forward together as a movement.
The CalCare campaign is endorsed by:
Unions/Labor organizations
Alameda Labor Council
Albany Teachers Association
Berkeley Federation of Teachers
California Conference of Machinists
California Faculty Association
California Federation of Teachers
California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
California Nurses Association
California School Employees Association
California Teachers Association
Campbell High School Teachers Association
CFI Local 39000 - TNG/CWA
Contra Costa Labor Council
Federation of Retired Union Workers
IATSE Local 611
IATSE Local 871
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local 1484
John Swett Education Association
Mt. Diablo Education Association
Napa Solano Central Labor Council
National Association of Social Workers (NASW) California Chapter
North Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Oak Grove Educators Association
Oakland Education Association
Peralta Federation of Teachers
Sacramento Central Labor Council
San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council
San Mateo Labor Council
Santa Clara County Federation of Retired Union Members
Santa Monica-Malibu Classroom Teachers Association
South Bay Central Labor Council
UAW Region 6
Unite Here Local 11
United Steelworkers Local 675
United Teachers of Richmond, CTA/NEA
Advocacy organizations
ACLU California Action
Aids Healthcare Foundation
Alameda County Homeless Action Center
Alliance for Boys and Men of Color
American Progressive Alliance
Anti Police-Terror Project
Asians and Pacific Islanders for CalCare
Asian Pacific Islander Reentry and Inclusion through Support and Empowerment (API RISE)
Bay Area for Bernie
Be A Hero
Black Lives Matter CA
Butte County Health Care Coalition (North State Medicare 4 All)
California Alliance of Retired Americans
California Disability Rights
California Immigrant Policy Center
California LULAC
California Nurses for Environmental Health and Justice
California OneCare/HEAL California
California Progressive Alliance
Californians for Disability Rights
Caring Across Generations
CDU Black Maternal Health Center of Excellence
Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice
Central Sierra Foothills chapter of Democratic Socialists of America
Chinese Progressive Association
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking
Community Coalition
Conference of California Bar Associations
Consumer Federation of California
Democracy for America - San Mateo County
DSA Long Beach
DSA San Diego
DSA San Luis Obispo
DSA Santa Barbara
DSA Stanislaus
East Valley Indivisibles
Educators for Single-Payer
Fannie Lou Hamer Institute
Gender Justice LA
Green Party of California
Grey Panthers of San Francisco
Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice
Healing US Network
Health Care for All - CA Nevada County Chapter
Health Care for All - California
Health Care for US
Healthcare Action Committee
Healthy California Now
Hire Survivors Hollywood
Homeless Action Center
Human Agenda
I Did Something Good Today Foundation
IE Votes
Indivisible California
Indivisible Sacramento
Indivisible San Jose
Indivisible Santa Cruz County
Indivisible Sonoma County
Indivisible Westside Los Angeles
La Defensa
LA Harm Reduction Network
Long Beach Area Peace Network
Long Beach Environmental Alliance
Long Beach Forward
Long Beach Gray Panthers
Mendocino Women's Political Coalition
National Network of Healthcare Hygienists
NorCal Resist
North Central Valley DSA
One Payer States
Our Revolution East Bay
Our Revolution Kern County
Our Revolution - Feel the Bern, Los Angeles County
Parivar Bay Area
Peninsula Democratic Socialists of America
Physicians for a National Health Program - Bay Area Chapter
Physicians for a National Health Program California
Pink Panthers
Pinole Progressive Alliance
PNHP Napa/Sonoma
PNHP South Bay Chapter
PNHP Santa Barbara
Progressive Asian Network for Action (PANA)
Progressive Victory
Public Health Advocates
Rising Communities (formerly Community Health Councils)
Sacramento Democratic Socialists of America
Safer Together
San Diego Housing Emergency Alliance
San Francisco Senior and Disability Action
San Gabriel Valley Neighbors for Peace and Justice
San Gabriel Valley Progressives
San José Peace and Justice Center
Santa Clara County Single Payer Health Care Coalition
Santa Cruz Climate Action Network
Santa Cruz for Bernie
Senior and Disability Action
Socialists for CalCare
South Bay Indigenous Solidarity
South Bay Progressive Alliance
South County Compassion Center
Stanford Students for a National Health Program
Students for a National Health Program, San Diego Chapter
Tech Equity Collaborative
Thai Community Development Center (Thai CDC)
The National Tai Chi Chuan Association
Topanga Peace Alliance
United Seniors of Oakland and Alameda County
Wellbeing Economy Alliance California
Western Center on Law and Poverty
White People 4 Black Lives
Women for Justice
World Interdependence Fund
33 Taps
AIM Associates
Alex Rechsteiner Painting
Andy's Pet Shop
Artelal Studios
Blue Dog Veterinary Company
Brain Dead
Brand x Antiques
Buffalo Foods
Conceptual Metalworks
Cookie Good
Curated Wines
Dubbers Old Town Bar/Grill
Fabulosa Books
Fit Fido Dog Walking
Fix Creative
Focus Strategies
Guapo Kitchen (Food Truck)
Inch by Inch Preschool
Initiate Justice Action
Its Your Move Games
Karnay Cafe
Katharine Gale Consulting
Leapfrog Consulting
Lisa Hair Design
Luis Paint
Mami Chelas (131 Main St)
Mars Record Shop
Me and Jungle Cafe
Melograno Films
Midnight Books
Mountaintop Coaching & Consulting
Mule Bakery
Neighbors General Store
Nurse Cure Rx
Olmos & Reynolds Law Group, LLP
Organizing to Win
Piedmont Fabric
Pizza Ponte
Spectator Books
Sunray Builders Inc
The Cove on Castro
The Village Salon
Trade Show Temps
Twin Peaks Tavern
Veterinary Surgical Instruction Service
Vintage Blossom Boutique
Wild Cat Consulting
Faith organizations
Holy Faith Episcopal Church of Inglewood
Lutheran Office of Public Policy CA
Or Shalom Jewish Community
Peace & Social Justice Committee, UU Congregation of Santa Monica
Placer People of Faith Together
Political party/organizations
American Party of Labor
American River Democrats
Bonita Democratic Council
California Working Families Party
California Working Families Party, Bay Area
California Working Families Party, Central Valley
California Working Families Party, San Francisco
Culver City Democratic Club
Democratic Action Club of Chico (DACC)
Democratic Party of Contra Costa County
Democrats of Hemet-San Jacinto
Feel the Bern Democratic Club, Los Angeles County
Feel The Bern San Fernando Valley Democratic Club
Green Party of Santa Clara County
Humboldt Progressive Democrats
Inland Mendocino Democratic Club
Iranian American Democrats of California (IADC)
Mendocino Democratic Central Committee
Monterey County Democratic Central Committee Peace and Freedom Party of California
Progressive Democratic Club
Progressive Democrats of America Monterey
PSL - Los Angeles
San Luis Obispo County Democratic Party
Santa Monica Democratic Club
Southern Alameda County Progressive Democrats
Stanislaus County Democratic Central Committee
Stonewall Democratic Club
United Democrats of Southern Solano County
Wellstone progressive dems of Sacramento
West County Democratic Club
YES WE CAN Democratic Club - Long Beach
Other organizations
Alameda County Public Authority for IHSS
Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria
City of Alameda
Contemporary Art League
County of Monterey
East Bay Echo
Inland Equity Community Land Trust
Labor Today International
Matilija Lending Library
Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao
South Bay Community Land Trust