National Nurses Organizing Committee

A national movement for RNs
We are a national union and professional organization for RNs who are pursuing an ambitious agenda of patient advocacy that promotes the interests of patients, direct-care nurses, and RN professional practice. Read more »

NNOC 101
Your guide to joining the RN movement. Learn more about our program, our history, and how we are organized.

Where we are
NNOC and CNA now represent more than 150,000 RNs in about 300 facilities throughout the nation, including Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Press releases

Organize with National Nurses Organizing Committee to improve workplace standards through collective bargaining, reform national health care legislation, and make a difference for you and your patients.
National Nurse Magazine
Let the strike times roll! New Orleans nurses stage historic walkout for a fair first contract
New Orleans nurses stage historic strike
University Medical Center nurses fight for first contract
HCA nurses win new contracts
RNs across six states ratify new agreements
Never Giving Up
Cook County nurses fight to win back pay and bonuses