Maine State Nurses Association

Maine State Nurses Association campaign for safe staffing ratios
Maine nurses are standing up for nurse and patient safety by supporting L.D. 1639, “The Maine Quality Care Act”. Our union strongly supports this bill, sponsored by state Senator Stacy Brenner, RN.
Video: Maine Medical Center nurses win first contract tentative agreement!
Registered nurses at Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine, ratified their first-ever union contract that they say will provide patient care protections and strong standards to improve retention and recruitment.
- A Nurse’s Guide to Filling Out an Assignment Despite Objection (ADO) Form
- Assignment Despite Objection (ADO) Form
- Grievance Report Form
- MSNA Scholarship Application
- Why We Have a Union, Part 1 - Weingarten Rights
- Why We Have a Union, Part 2 - Our Union Raises
Maine Med updates
- Flyer: Nurses Win Back Paid Leave Benefits
- Photo Wrap-up: Maine Med Nurses Win Back Paid Leave Benefits
- Article: Paid Leave Victory
- Article: Paid Leave Op-ed