Press releases

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RNs to Salinas Health System: Time for a New Board

Following disclosure of a highly critical audit, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today called on Salinas Valley Health System Board majority to resign, and the nurses said the public district should to “stop acting like Wall Street bankers and the 1 percent with lavish executive payouts, dubious conduct, and poor public accountability.”

CNA Press Release
March 8, 2012

Robin Hood Will Search City for World Leaders

With world leaders of the G-8 nations fleeing the U.S.’ third largest city by moving their May summit to the rural woods outside Washington, the nation’s largest nurses union will bring Camp David and the G-8 summit back to Chicago for a special event on Friday, May 18.

March 6, 2012

CA RNs Win Pact for 2,700 Nurses at 6 Tenet Hospitals

Protect Family Health Coverage, Win Economic Gains. Registered nurses at six Tenet Healthcare hospitals in California have won a tentative settlement on a new four year agreement that protects the health coverage for their families, wins improvements in patient care and nurses standards, and provides for important economic gains, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today.

March 6, 2012

Nurses Join Seniors in Oakland Action to Tell Congress: Hands Off Social Security and Medicare

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United will join the California Alliance for Retired Americans and other community activists Tuesday to picket the Oakland appearance of Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson who will be in town promoting their call for a deficit plan that features sweeping cuts in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

March 5, 2012

Nurses Speak Out to Protect Michigan Workers' Voices

LANSING – Michigan Nurses Association members are serving on the frontline of the fight to protect collective bargaining in Michigan, joining teachers, firefighters and other workers this week in launching an online petition to preserve this most basic and essential right.

Michigan Nurses Association Press Release
March 2, 2012

Henry Mayo RNs Candlelight Vigil Wednesday to Protest Hospital Policy that Undermines Care

Registered nurses at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Valencia, Ca., will hold a candlelight vigil Wednesday evening to protest facility policies they say undermines the quality of patient care, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today.

CNA Press Release
February 29, 2012

RNs for the Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street

Robin Hood Tax Echoing Worldwide

Thousands of Nurses, Activists to March at G8 May 18, Call for Tax on Wall Street, Challenge Austerity Agendas. RNs to be Joined by Healthcare, Community, Global Activists in Chicago to Call for Wall Street Speculation Tax as Starting Point to Address Economic Crisis.

NNU Press Release
February 27, 2012

Nurses Charge Washington Hospital With Violating Federal Law

Nurses Charge Washington Hospital With Violating Federal Law By Refusing to Meet as Safety Problems and RN Vacancies Mount: Reality for RNs, Patients in Stark Contrast with Hospital’s Recent Ad Campaign

NNU Press Release
February 22, 2012

Santa Monica RNs to Picket Thursday

Registered nurses at Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica will picket the hospital Thursday morning to protest what they see as stalling by hospital officials in reaching a fair negotiated agreement for the RNs that would enhance patient safety and help retain experienced RNs at the hospital.

NNU Press Release
February 15, 2012

RNs Tuesday to Join Growing Protest Over San Mateo Plan to Close Burlingame Long Term Care Facility

San Mateo County registered nurses Tuesday will join an outpouring of community residents who plan to pack a special hearing of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors on a proposal to close a 240-bed long-term care facility in Burlingame.

NNU Press Release
February 13, 2012