Nurse Talk

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Deborah Burger, Co-President of National

Encore of RN and NNU Co-President Deborah Burger's "State of the Nurses Union"

This week we share one of the most critical Nurse Talk Radio interviews of 2017---The State Of The Union with RN and Co-President of National Nurses United, Deborah Burger.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Mass. Nurses Association Donna Kelly Williams - Patient Safety Act

SURVEY SAYS! 85% of RNs agree that the quality of patient care in Massachusetts’ hospitals is suffering due to unsafe patient assignments. Nurses across the country continue their fight for patient safety.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

RN, JD Regulatory and Policy Nursing Specialist, Mathew Keller sheds some light

Why did Minnesota's Hennepin Community Medical Center change it's financial projections by a whopping $45.4 million dollars?

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Dotty Nygard, RN

California RN Dotty Nygard Talks About Why She's Running For Congress

Dotty Nygard is an ER nurse, former City Council Member, Patient Advocate, Mother and Grandmother and she is running for Congress to say enough is enough.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

RN Martha Kuhl talks with Nurse Talk about Nurses Values and Bernie Sanders

In August National Nurses United endorsed Bernie Sanders for President. "Bernie Sanders is aligned with 'nurses values". RN, Martha Kuhl talks about the reasons why Senator Sanders is the perfect candidate for healthcare and for our country.

Nurse Talk Radio

RN & Co-President of NNU Deborah Burger talks about the importance of Kaiser L.A. tentative pact

A few weeks ago RNs reached tentative pact, affecting 1,300 RNs, with Kaiser L.A. Medical Center. RN and NNU Co-President Deborah Burger talks about why now more than any time before, this agreement is so critical.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Michael Lighty, Director of Public Policy for California Nurses Association

A Conversation with Michael Lighty - A Labor-Based Movement For Medicare for All

Join us for this special edition podcast with Director of Public Policy for National Nurses United, Michael Lighty. In Michael’s article he notes, the labor movement exists to stop money from being the metric of value and power. Healthcare is exhibit A for money as the metric (see Elizabeth Rosenthal’s book, “American Sickness”).

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Single Payer Healthcare Is Not Pie In The Sky

Here is this weeks Nurse Talk podcast with Executive Director Of Minnesota Nurses Association, Rose Roach. Great explanation of Single Payer and she starts with saying, "people over profits"! What a concept. We use a "shorter" version of this for social media and broadcasting on Progressive Voices Tune IN all week during shows such as Thom Hartmann, Ed Shultz, Ring of Fire, and more.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

A Conversation With NNU Co-President Jean Ross About The Keystone Pipeline

The corrosive tar sands oil that is extracted, transported, and refined for the Keystone project is a major contributor to climate change.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurses For Newsom

Nurses Fight For S.B. 562 And Remind Us Why California Needs Gavin Newsom

Gavin shares nurses' values, including the fight for a single-payer healthcare system, where all Californians are guaranteed healthcare, regardless of ability to pay.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio