Veterans Affairs


VA nurses in front of D.C. capitol with banner "Strong Nurses, Union, Veterans"

Nurses demand VA lift "hiring freeze," citing thousands of nurse vacancies and patient safety concerns

Registered nurses who work at Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals around the country are holding a national week of action.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
August 19, 2024


Veteran service member saluting

Opinion: Keep veterans’ health care out of the profit-making business

Military veterans beware. I am writing to let your readers know there is serious discussion by the current administration in Washington, D.C. to privatize the Veterans Administration’s health services and place the welfare of America’s veterans in the hands of corporate magnates like the Koch brothers and other profit-driven entrepreneurs.

John Spitzberg writing for Juneau Empire
January 8, 2019


Large group of nurses outside Capitol building holding banner "Strong Union, Nurses, Veterans"

Support the VA Employee Fairness Act

When ER nurses show up for work at the UC San Diego Hospital they don’t know who will come through the door needing care; an elderly woman having a heart attack, a newborn struggling to

National Nurses United
June 13, 2018