Opinion: Keep veterans’ health care out of the profit-making business

Veterans’ health benefits shouldn’t be sold to the lowest bidder.
Military veterans beware. I am writing to let your readers know there is serious discussion by the current administration in Washington, D.C. to privatize the Veterans Administration’s health services and place the welfare of America’s veterans in the hands of corporate magnates like the Koch brothers and other profit-driven entrepreneurs.
This is an urgent matter for all Alaska veterans and non-veterans alike. Whether you use the VA or not, it’s there for most veterans if ever needed.
Right now, new rules are being drafted which will govern how veterans can access taxpayer-funded medical care in their community under the new Mission Act. These rules are set to take effect in June. This legislation was passed to get veterans more access to care, which is great, but the Mission Act provides cover for moving veteran care outside of the VA and into the private sector, where profit — not the welfare of patients — is the great motivator.