

Vice President Kamala Harris speaking into microphone in front of American flag

National Nurses United endorses Kamala Harris for president

NNU’s Executive Council, elected by national nurse membership, voted to endorse Harris on the heels of President Biden’s announcement that he would no longer be seeking reelection.

National Nurses United
July 23, 2024


NNU Executive Director, Bonnie Castillo, RN at bill introduction

It's time for legislators to prove democracy exists by passing Medicare for All

We nurses know and believe that this is the best bill at the right time for moving America forward. Jayapal’s legislation is the most comprehensive to date, including all primary care, hospital and outpatient services

NNU Executive Director, Bonnie Castillo, RN, Contributing to The Hill
March 4, 2019


Group of nurses in march holding signs "Union women are powerful women"

We won’t let them ban our stories

When future students read about the Covid-19 pandemic, nurses want our stories to be emblazoned on those pages. We want our grandchildren to understand the righteous anger we felt, rushing between far too many patients at once — some of them our own dying colleagues — while our employers cut corners on staffing and posted record profits.

February 24, 2024