Robin Hood Tax


Robin Hood Tax Act

RNs Applaud Reintroduction of Robin Hood Tax Act to Raise Money for Education, Health Care, and Vital Social Programs

National Nurses United applauds today’s reintroduction of the Inclusive Prosperity Act by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Barbara Lee. This important legislation would raise an estimated $220 billion dollars a year to fund critical social programs.

National Nurses United
May 22, 2019


New Study: Sanders’ Tax Wall Street Plan Would Raise $300 Billion, Create Millions of New Jobs

New research findings from a team of progressive economists provides documentary evidence that the financial footing for Sen. Bernie Sanders visionary social change agenda is not only plausible, but would create far more socially productive jobs, as well as moving us down the road to the more humane society that is at the heart of the Sanders campaign.

RoseAnn DeMoro writing for The Huffington Post
March 21, 2016


Why Jamie Dimon and His Wall Street Buddies Need to Pay a Robin Hood Tax

A modest tax on speculative financial transactions would be some restitution for the human costs of this bank-made crisis.

the guardian