Racial Justice Blog

Submitted by ADonahue on
 Congressional women of color

Nurses Stand in Solidarity with Congressional Women of Color

As a union that represents registered nurses who see the consequences of threats to the health and safety of our patients, National Nurses United (NNU) is alarmed and appalled at the rising tone of attacks on four inspiring women of color emanating from the White House and its supporters.

Bonnie Castillo/ NNU Executive Director

Nurse hold signs "Black Lives Matter"

This Juneteenth, Celebrating Black Freedom Means Caring About Black Health

“I can’t breathe,” Gary Fowler told three different metro Detroit emergency departments, as he begged for a COVID-19 test. He was dismissed and turned away each time. On April 7, 2020, sitting up in a recliner because breathing was so difficult, he died at age 56.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director of National Nurses United