Press releases

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Patients and RNs to March on Blue Shield HQ to Protest Rate Hike Outrage

(SAN FRANCISCO) California patients hurt by Blue Shield’s efforts to sharply hike rates will join members of the California Nurses Association and local healthcare advocates at a major protest against Blue Shield’s actions.

Press Release
January 28, 2011

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Hundreds To Protest as Billionaires Gather to Plan 2011-2 National Political Agenda in Palm Springs

Rancho Mirage: Led by the Courage Campaign, Common Cause and the California Nurses Association, a diverse coalition of good government advocates will gather in Rancho Mirage, CA on Sunday, January 30 to protest a gathering convened by the Koch Brothers, secretive far-right billionaires whose corporate agenda has brought harm to America’s economy and undermined the middle class.

Press Release
January 28, 2011

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Nurses Blast Obama Administration Decision to Stop Requiring Employers to Report Back Injuries

The nation’s largest union and professional association of nurses today sharply criticized a decision by the U.S. Department of Labor Tuesday to withdraw a rule requiring employers to report musculoskeletal injuries to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Press Release
January 26, 2011

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NNU Launches Video Ad Campaign Calling on Obama to “Stand Up” for Retirement Security

The nation’s largest union and professional association of registered nurses today launched an online advertising buy to promote a web video calling on President Obama to “stand up” to corporate interests and for the millions of voters who elected him, especially in the face of calls for him to undermine Social Security and Medicare as Tuesday’s State of the Union approaches.

Press Release
January 24, 2011

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New Three-Year Pact Means Important Improvements For 17,000 California Kaiser RNs in 61 Facilities

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United and Kaiser Permanente have tentatively agreed to a new three-year contract with significant improvements for 17,000 registered nurses and nurse practitioners in 21 hospitals and 40 medical office buildings across Northern and Central California, CNA/NNU announced today.

Press Release
January 11, 2011

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Historic “Lone Star Rebellion” Organizing Drive Backdrop for 2011 Legislative Push By Texas RNs

Capping a historic year that saw nearly 2,000 registered nurses at five Texas hospitals vote to join the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Texas, an affiliate of National Nurses United, RNs will hold a media availability at the state Capitol on the legislature’s opening day to discuss their legislative agenda for 2011. NNU now represents 160,000 nurses nationally, and is the fastest-growing union by far in the nation and the state.

January 10, 2011

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Nurses Ask: Does New Orleans Suffer from PTSD?

Citing the development of a number of worrying and long-term trends among the patient and caregiver population of post-Katrina New Orleans, registered nurses from a wide variety of clinical settings will report on the severe challenges they face delivering care in their communities. The RNs will be sounding this public health alert as part of a day-long seminar sponsored by the Registered Nurse Response Network, (RNRN), a national organization with 4,000 members which was born in the aftermath of the Gulf region devastation.

Press Release
January 1, 2011


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Three Years Post-Katrina, New Orleans in Healthcare Crisis and Bracing for Gustav

As America turns its attention toward New Orleans on the third anniversary of the Katrina disaster, the Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN) is releasing a video that conveys the impact of a second disaster facing the city – the collapse of its healthcare system. On the eve of the anniversary, as tropical storm Gustav gathers strength cities in Mississippi and Louisiana are placed on high alert, and residents express grave concerns that their basic healthcare needs will be ignored again.

Press Release
January 1, 2011


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Motivated by Katrina - National RN Response Network Launches

Vowing not to endure another year of government ineptitude in responding to human tragedy, the California Nurses Association (CNA) and its National Nurses Organizing Committee (NNOC) will announce a national RN Response Network (RNRN), appealing to RNs nationwide to join a coordinated effort to quickly move nurses into areas like those devastated last year by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Press Release
January 1, 2011


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Reflections of Katrina Nurses: Hope and Resolve - National Nurses Group Continues Work

In the days following Hurricane Katrina, countless numbers watched, and listened, to the growing chaos in disbelief. Thousands of registered nurses from across the nation, frustrated in their efforts to volunteer through government or private relief agencies turned to the National Nurses Organizing Committee/California Nurses Association to do what they do best provide hands-on, front line care to the sick and injured.

Press Release
January 1, 2011