CDC Work Group is focused on weakening protections for health care workers and patients to create more flexibility for employers to prioritize profits

Submitted by ADonahue on

Responding to NNU’s Requests and calls for transparency, CDC releases Isolation Precautions Work Group meeting summaries for the first time 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently initiated work to update foundational infection control guidance for health care settings. The CDC’s advisory committee, the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC), has formed a Work Group to formulate draft updates. The Work Group’s proceedings have been closed to the public—until now. 

Over a period of several months in 2023, National Nurses United made multiple requests for access to the Work Group’s meeting notes, presentations, and drafts. We have organized and called attention to the lack of transparency in the CDC/HICPAC’s process. In response to this pressure, the CDC sent a limited number of Work Group meeting summaries to NNU, which are now being made publicly available for the first time on this website. 

While this document release is a major win in improving transparency in the CDC’s process, the reality is that this is too little, too late. The content raises even more concerns about the CDC/HICPAC not following science and prioritizing the profit motives of the health care industry over protecting health care workers and patients.