A.I. 101 and Partnering with our Patients

This is a two-part, in-person CE Class from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (6 hours of CE credits). If you’re a UC nurse, an extra hour will be available from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Participants must be in attendance all day to receive the full 6 CEU CE credits, even if they have taken one of the classes prior to the sign-up date.

Part 1: A.I. 101: What to know about A.I. in health care and its effects on patient advocacy

What is A.I.? How does it work? How will it impact patient care and the nursing profession? This course will provide an overview of what artificial intelligence is and how it works, explore the types of technologies that employ A.I. in health care settings, and analyze the potential benefits and risks to patients and our communities. This course will also explore the ways nurses can ensure that A.I. and other data-driven technologies will not degrade the quality of the care they provide.

Part 2: Partnering with our Patients: Nurses, Worker Power, and Health Justice

We know there is a strong correlation between unionization and improved health outcomes for workers. For nurses, this connection can also positively impact their patients. This course will analyze how union nurses have partnered with patients to respond to a radically changing health care system and economy. We will examine the growth of RNs’ collective power through decades of organizing and how these struggles have improved the health and welfare of nurses, patients, and communities across the country. We will also look at the broader history of unions in the U.S., examine current debates about the future of workers and unions, and identify reforms that would further empower nurses in the fight for workplace health and safety, high-quality patient care, and health justice in our communities.

Times and Locations
September 18, 2024
Doubletree by Hilton El Paso Downtown
600 N. El Paso Street
El Paso, TX 79901
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.