Take Action to End Workplace Violence

Health care workers face high rates of workplace violence, a critical issue reaching epidemic proportions. The Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act (H.R. 1309) aims to hold health care and social service employers accountable for developing and implementing a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan.
Take action below and you’ll be connected with your representative. Please tell them your name, where you live, and why they should support H.R. 1309. Feel free to share a personal story if you or someone you know has experienced workplace violence.
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or call 1-888-312-3159
Here's a script for your call.
Hello ____, my name is ____ and I live in _______, which you represent. I’m calling to urge you to support H.R. 1309, The Federal Health Care Workplace Violence Prevention Act. Healthcare workers too frequently experience dangerous workplace violence incidents and this bill will help to change that and make health care facilities safer for everyone, including nurses, patients and family members.