

Large group of nurses in blue scrubs outside hospital holding signs "HCA Put Patients Over Profits" and calling for improved working conditions

Fawcett Hospital nurses protest HCA contract proposals that endanger patient care

Nurses at Fawcett Hospital in Port Charlotte, Fla., will hold a rally on Monday, July 8, to protest HCA’s failure to address nurses’ grave concerns over chronic short staffing and patient safety during the current contract negotiations.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
July 5, 2024


Bayfront Health St. Petersburg Hospital

Editorial: Protect Bayfront’s safety net of care

For generations, Bayfront hospital in St. Petersburg has been where poor and uninsured residents regularly turned for quality health care.

Scott Keeler, Tampa Bay Times
January 2, 2018


Stories from Main Street

NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro recently called on RNs nationwide to share stories about how the economic crisis is impacting their lives at home, and in their hospitals and communities. Their heartfelt responses were deeply moving, some of which can be read in this blog. To protect their anonymity, names have been removed. Additional stories are coming soon.



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NNU Endorsements 2016

See a list of legislative endorsements.