Press Release
Union nurses endorse Assemblymember Laura Friedman for Congress

National Nurses United (NNU), the largest union of registered nurses in the United States, today announced they have endorsed Assemblymember Laura Friedman to represent California’s 30th Congressional District, home to close to 750,000 people and over a thousand members of California Nurses Association (CNA) in Los Angeles area communities, including Glendale, Hollywood, and Pasadena.
“Assemblymember Friedman has distinguished herself in this tightly contested race through her leadership on health care issues and her unwavering support for organized labor,” said NNU President Deborah Burger, RN. “Friedman has stood with nurses in the halls of Sacramento, and now we’re proud to stand with her as a candidate for Congress who represents nurses’ values in our nation’s capital. If you want to see healthier communities, a healthier environment, and a fairer economy for all, then vote for Laura Friedman.”
"As the daughter of a nurse, I know firsthand the commitment and sacrifice of those who spend their lives taking care of others,” said Assemblymember Friedman. “Nursing is difficult work. It’s emotionally draining, physically challenging, and sometimes even dangerous. I’m incredibly honored to have the support of National Nurses United in my race to represent the 30th Congressional District.”
NNU supports candidates who are committed to building a broad movement for transformative social change that includes safe patient staffing in all hospitals across the country, protecting the rights of workers to organize, and guaranteeing health care to everyone. NNU looks forward to helping elect Laura Friedman and working closely with her in Congress on the important issues that affect registered nurses, our patients, and our communities.
In a recent Gallup poll, nurses were voted the most trusted profession in the United States for the 22nd consecutive year. Nurses across the country trust Assemblymember Friedman as the candidate who embodies their values of caring, compassion, and community.
NNU represents 225,000 nurses across the nation, and their affiliate, CNA, represents over 100,000 nurses in more than 200 facilities throughout California.
National Nurses United is the largest and fastest-growing union and professional association of registered nurses in the United States with nearly 225,000 members nationwide. NNU affiliates include California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, DC Nurses Association, Michigan Nurses Association, Minnesota Nurses Association, and New York State Nurses Association.