Global Nurses United Press Clips

- Headline: Nurses raise their voice over pay freeze
- Headline: Your Right To Know: Assaults on Hunter hospital staff under-reported as health unions call for more security
- Manchete: Reabertura: Entidades da saúde temem aumento de casos da Covid-19
Headline: Reopening: Health organizations fear an increase in Covid-19 cases - Manchete: Câmara Legislativa recebe denúncias de falta de EPIs e pacientes internados em corredores de hospitais do DF
Headline: Legislative Chamber receives complaints over lack of PPE and patients hospitalized in corridors of hospitals in DF - Manchete: Deputados avaliam que prefeitura e população devem se unir contra pandemia
Headline: Deputies assess that city hall and population should unite against pandemic - Manchete: Diabética, técnica em Enfermagem morre de Covid após pedidos de afastamento de hospital
Headline: Diabetic, nursing technician dies of Covid after requests to leave hospital
- Titre: La FIQ réclame le déploiement des ratios sécuritaires professionnelles en soins / patient-e-s dans les CHSLD du Québec
Headline: The FIQ calls for the deployment of professional safety ratios in care / patients in CHSLDs in Quebec - Headline: Nurses found to be suffering high rates of burnout, stress — before pandemic hit
- Headline: 'Devalued and disposable': Nurses angry, demoralized by pay cap on heels of pandemic
- Headline: Nurses demand promised pandemic pay
- Headline: Health Workers: From Praise to Protection
- Headline: Women and migrant workers deserve better pay and protections in post-pandemic economy
- Headline: Calgary program expands to train more foreign nurses as COVID-19 pandemic continues
- Headline: Essential worker support retooled
- Headline: 'It's not safe': Campbellton hospital staff troubled by working conditions amid COVID-19 outbreak
- Headline: N.L. unions critical of $66M compensation program for COVID-19 essential workers
Dominican Republic
- Titular: Al menos 300 enfermeras auxiliares contagiadas por COVID-19, según Aneeah
Headline: At least 300 auxiliary nurses infected with COVID-19, according to Aneeah - Titular: Unas 270 enfermeras contagiadas de COVID en Honduras
Headline: About 270 infected nurses from COVID in Honduras - Titular: Honduras: Hernández es el primer presidente de América Latina en contagiarse de coronavirus
Headline: Honduras: Hernández is the first president of Latin America to catch coronavirus - Titular: Aumento de casos demanda contratar más personal de salud, dice presidente de la ANEEAH
Headline: Increase in Cases Demands Hiring More Health Personnel, Says ANEEAH President - Titular: ANEEAH: 307 enfermeros están contagiados de Covid-19
Headline: ANEEAH: 307 nurses are infected with Covid-19 - Titular: Asociación de Enfermeras exige la contratación de 5 mil auxiliares ante aumento de casos covid-19 en Honduras
Headline: Nurses Association requires the hiring of 5 thousand assistants due to the increase in covid-19 cases in Honduras - Titular: Infectados por COVID 283 enfermeras exigen pronto resultado de pruebas
Headline: COVID-infected 283 nurses demand test results soon
- Headline: Plea in SC raises concern over safety of healthcare workers amid COVID-19 pandemic
- Headline: Nurses Association Moves SC Provisions To Provide Protective Kits To Healthcare Workers
- Headline: Amid surge in COVID cases, nurses ring alarm bells over safety concerns
- Headline: Almost 90% of healthcare workers who tested positive picked up COVID-19 at work
- Headline: Trolley crisis on the rebound while coronavirus still threatens community
- Headline: HSE aims to start testing nursing home staff next week
- Headline: 24 hours that changed everything: An oral history
- Headline: Mullingar at top of Trolley Watch list today
- Headline: Coronavirus: 3 More People Have Died
- Titolo: Sanità privata. Nursind: “La pre-intesa firmata è mortificante”
Headline: Private healthcare. Nursind: "The signed pre-agreement is mortifying" - Titolo: Nursind: “Basta pacche sulla spalla, vogliamo un salto di qualità”
Headline: Nursind: "Enough pats on the shoulder, we want a qualitative leap" - Titolo: Nursind, a Trieste una rosa per ogni infermiere ucciso dal coronavirus
Headline: Nursind, a squad in Trieste for every nurse killed by the coronavirus - Titolo: Nursind scende in piazza in ricordo degli infermieri che hanno perso la vita: «Si mantengano le promesse»
Headline: Nursind takes to the streets in memory of the nurses who have lost their lives: «The promises are kept»
- Headline: 115 healthcare workers sent home without pay
- Headline: Health workers’ strike in Kisumu County enters day six
- Headline: Politicians fanning medics' strike, says Nyong'o
New Zealand
- Headline: Simpson health system overhaul: The experts weigh in
- Headline: Coronavirus: Ministry of Health made series of PPE errors in COVID-19 response, Auditor-General report finds
- Headline: Paint it red – GPs urged to back nurses’ Seeing Red Day tomorrow
- Headline: Māori health authority doesn't go far enough - experts
- Titular: Federación de Enfermeras del Minsa: "Todavía tenemos un gran número de trabajadores contratados por terceros"
Headline: Federation of Nurses of the Minsa: "We still have a large number of workers hired by third parties" - Titular: Coronavirus en Perú: trabajadores del Minsa realizan protesta en demanda de mejores condiciones laborales | FOTOS
Headline: Coronavirus in Peru: Minsa workers protest to demand better working conditions | PHOTOS
- Manchete: Enfermeiros pediram esta quinta-feira em frente ao parlamento valorização da carreira
Headline: Nurses asked this Thursday in front of parliament for career enhancement - Manchete: “Esforço dos profissionais de saúde não se paga com a Liga dos Campeões"
Headline: "Health professionals' effort is not paid for with the Champions League" - Manchete: Enfermeiros apelam ao consenso entre partidos para a valorização da carreira
Headline: Nurses call for consensus between parties for career enhancement
South Africa
- Headline: African medics struggle in virus 'war zone'
- Headline: ‘We spread the virus knowingly at this hospital’ ― healthcare workers at Thelle Mogoerane
- Headline: Student nurses 'not a staffing solution' to address health department's shortage
- Headline: Covid-19 confusion at Mthatha hospital
- Headline: 'We're not designed for Covid-19': Staff at EC psychiatric hospital living in fear
- Headline: Fears for nursing students’ safety in Western Cape
- Headline: Staff at EC psychiatric hospital “living in fear” as Covid-19 cases rise
South Korea
- Encabezamento: O sindicato Satse sitúa nun 16% as enfermeiras que tiveron COVID-19 en Galicia
Headline: The Satse union places 16% of nurses who have had COVID-19 in Galicia - Titular: Satse pide que las enfermeras cuenten con los derechos "inherentes" a cualquier profesión de riesgo
Headline: Satse asks that nurses have the rights "inherent" to any profession at risk - Titular: Un estudio de SATSE señala que un 32% de las enfermeras han tenido síntomas de COVID-19
Headline: A SATSE study indicates that 32% of nurses have had symptoms of COVID-19 - Titular: SATSE denuncia que el 47% de las enfermeras ha tenido síntomas de Covid-19
Headline: SATSE denounces that 47% of nurses have had symptoms of Covid-19 - Titular: SATSE afirma que la Región de Murcia no cuenta con las suficientes camas UCI
Headline: SATSE affirms that the Region of Murcia does not have enough ICU beds
Sri Lanka
- Headline: Token strike staged by nurses
- Headline: Nurses in the South on strike over non-payment of overtime
United Kingdom
- Headline: Royal College of Nursing insists on a renewed focus on staff safety
- Headline: Student nurses see paid placements terminated early
- Headline: The weeks that will change nursing for ever
- Headline: Coronavirus: Nurses' leaders urge 'care for those who caring'
- Headline: ‘Supportive culture’ needed to protect nurse wellbeing, RCN leader tells peers
United States
- Headline: Nurses: Protesters are our patients. Stop attacking them
- Headline: This Juneteenth, celebrating black freedom means caring about black health
- Headline: HCA receives $1 billion in pandemic bailout funds. Where is the money going?
- Headline: Few N95 masks, reused gowns: Dire PPE shortages reveal COVID-19's racial divide
- Headline: Dingell discusses need for Medicare for All Act
- Headline: Hundreds of health-care workers lost their lives battling the coronavirus
- Headline: Nurses Renew Calls To Stop Cleaning, Reusing N95 Masks
- Headline: Hospital cuts force local nurses into protest
- Headline: Health Disparities Among Black Persons in the US and Addressing Racism in the Health Care System
- Headline: Erlanger Nurses wanting to create a Nurses Union
- Headline: Some public health officials fighting COVID-19 resign, some assigned security detail amid threats
- Headline: Why the pandemic has energized hospital unions
- Headline: Erlanger nurse starts effort to unionize hospital
- Headline: COVID-19 surge strains Alabama hospitals; employers can't require antibody testing, EEOC says — 7 updates
- Headline: Erlanger nurse looking to form union for local nurses
- Headline: US employers step up anti-unionization efforts as pandemic spurs activism
- Headline: East Bay Hospital Cited Following Assault on Nurse
- Headline: Kaiser requires masks at all facilities after petition