
Fast Track/TPP Stalled Today. We Must Kill it for Good!

To protect the public health, please call Congress NOW  

Nurses and supporters have never had a more critical time to hold our ground! In an important vote, Fast Track authority was stalled on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives today. But the corporate opponents of public health are pushing for a reconsideration either on Monday or Tuesday. We must act this weekend to stop Fast Track for good—as it could pave the way for corporations to overturn nurse-to-patient ratios, for medication costs to skyrocket, and other public health threats.

"Today Congress did right by the American people, protecting jobs, public health, the environment and our very democracy against a secret trade deal that would complete the corporate take over of our country,” said NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro. “Unfortunately this vote was only a temporary stay of execution for our economy and a second vote will be held next week."

That’s why nurses across the country need to redouble their efforts this weekend to make sure that every member of Congress hears directly from a Registered Nurse to hold the line and vote No on this disastrous trade deal.

Ways you can help:

Call your Congressmember – Tell him/her to vote "No" on reconsideration and "No" on moving Fast Track forward. If you get voicemail, leave a message!

Click here to call

Click here to email

Here’s what you need to know: The House voted Friday on a three-part bill that would enable the dangerous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to be “Fast Tracked” through Congress. The three-part “Fast Track” bill was stopped when one major provision—Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)—was voted down. The clear “No” vote on TAA should have imperiled the entire package.

However, there will be a motion to reconsider TAA early next week.  If the vote on TAA is reversed, Fast Track will become law. We must keep pressure on Congress NOW. For the health of the public and planet—please contact your representative today and say, “No reconsideration, no to moving Fast Track forward!” Let’s make this win official! Tell Congress "No Reconsideration, No Fast Track"! 

Thank you,

Jean Ross, RN       Karen Higgins, RN       Deborah Burger, RN
National Nurses United
Council of Presidents