Thousands march for Medicare For All

On Eve of NHS 70th Anniversary, Thousands March in U.S., U.K. to say ‘Healthcare is a Human Right!’

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) turns 70 on July 5, an anniversary marked by a people’s movement to demand that the under-attack NHS be free, for all, forever.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director, National Nurses United

Nurse holding Medicare for All sign

Profit-driven health care is killing the dreams of young people. Young people are fighting back.

Briana Moss, 30, grew up in Dyersville, Iowa, site of the “field of dreams” (from the 1989 movie).

National Nurses United

Let’s stop pretending it was a government takeover of healthcare

If the Obama healthcare bill is just a "government takeover," why are healthcare industry CEOs being rewarded with so much money? The alleged expropriation of healthcare by big government is, of course, a major story line of the right and the new leadership of the House which is planning the useless exercise of a vote to repeal the law. But if the private companies who actually do control our health are hurting so badly, why are they shelling out so much to their top executives? By Deborah Burger, RN, NNU Co-president

National Nurse Blog

Why Social Security matters to an El Cerrito RN

I am just one of so many. I am working and nearing retirement age. My son has had jobs since he was 15 and actually likes to work but his full-time job currently is "applying and interviewing for jobs."

Main Street Blog

Nurses Lead Solidarity Actions "Across the Pond" from 2 million striking British workers

As more than 2 million nurses, teachers, paramedics and other workers held the largest strike in over three decades across Great Britain, National Nurses United, joined by other union members, held energetic support rallies in six U.S. cities to show solidarity with their embattled British counterparts.

NNU Blog

No Matter What, You Cannot Unfeel the Healthcare Pain in California

It hurts. The stories hurt. The aching, pounding, insistent sounds of Californians telling the nurses where it hurts. This is what the Medicare for all for life bus tour is all about in California.

Californians: Vote NO on 32

Who would you trust to make good governmental policy decisions for you and your family? Billionaires whose greatest priority is their own bottom line? Health insurance companies who have a track record of denying your claim for needed care prescribed by your doctor? Secretive Super PAC groups who can raise unlimited amounts of money to support and elect politicians friendly to their agendas?

CNA Blog by Sue Cannon, RN, PhD

John Nichols: Avoid sequester cuts by taxing Wall Street

Sequestration threatens to cut vital public services and undermines the economy in order to achieve budget priorities that benefit Wall Street while damaging Main Street.

The Cap Times

There Is No Other Planet We Can Go To

With the magnificent expanse of the Golden Gate Bridge as backdrop and pathway, nurses from across the U.S. rallied on Thursday to call an end to the Keystone XL Pipeline project, a ghastly effort to transport poisonous tar sands 1,700 miles from Canada to Texas, exposing hundreds of communities en route to calamitous spills, ruined water systems and deleterious health effects. Nurses also called for an end to the politics of austerity, one that puts the false choices – jobs through environmental degradation – before us. “Nothing related to Keystone XL is good for our families, our communities, or our planet,” announced Debra Burger, RN and NNU co-president from the rally stage. “From extraction to transport to refining, tar sands oil will exacerbate our current health emergency…. This is a clear and present danger to public health.”

National Nurses United

Update on RNRN Team in the Philippines

The first dedicated RNRN team arrived in the Philippines on Friday and hit the ground running, meeting with disaster relief officials and community supporters, and providing hands on work at a makeshift tent clinic.

RN Response Network -- CNF/NNU