Press Release

Nurses’ YUGE, Red #BernieBus to Visit Albany Wednesday

Registered nurses aboard National Nurses United (NNU)’s #BernieBus will travel to Albany, New York Wednesday to meet with local residents about the issues impacting their lives.

“As a native New Yorker I am proud to talk to thousands of people across the state who are excited to stand with Bernie Sanders, because he has worked throughout his life for Medicare for All and other policies to help everyone who is struggling to achieve the American dream,” said LilyBeth Segarra, a registered nurse and a member of National Nurses United. "Bernie is the only presidential candidate who really represents my community and stands for people, not Wall Street.”

The Bernie Bus will make the following stops on Wednesday, April 13, 2016:

Afternoon: New York State Nurses Association event

Mid-Afternoon: Communications Workers of America picket

Please contact Korey Hartwich for more information on connecting with the bus in Albany: 301-312-2343

National Nurses United, with over 185,000 members from all 50 states, is the largest organization of registered nurses in the U.S. and the first union to endorse Sanders, in August last year. Since then, NNU members have been organizing house parties, rallies and phone banks, and mobilizing door-to-door efforts in support of Sanders.

“From Nevada to New Hampshire, from Colorado to South Carolina, RNs have talked to voters and been reminded of the huge gaps in access to healthcare and education, concerns about retirement security, the jobs lost due to unfair trade deals, widespread inequality, and the escalating climate crisis,” said RoseAnn DeMoro, NNU Executive Director. “Bernie Sanders and the legions of grassroots activists around the U.S. who have joined him will not stop. The political revolution is just beginning.”