32 Hospitals to Pay U.S. to Resolve False Billing Claims

Thirty-two hospitals located throughout 15 states have agreed to pay the United States a total of more than $28 million to settle allegations that the health care facilities submitted false claims to Medicare for minimally-invasive kyphoplasty procedures, the Justice Department announced today.

United States Dept. of Justice

National Nurses United Petitions Federal OSHA for Workplace Violence Prevention Standard

The tragic death of NNU member Cynthia Palomata, RN, in 2010—as a result of preventable workplace violence—was a galvanizing moment. With renewed urgency in the effort to protect registered nurses and healthcare workers, in 2014, NNU won comprehensive legislation in California, requiring all hospitals to have a workplace violence prevention plan.

National Nurses United

Close to Home: Why nurses are voting yes on Prop. 61 — to lower drug prices

It’s time we put our health ahead of the huge profits of the big drug corporations. That’s why nurses are urging a yes vote on Proposition 61 to lower prescription drug prices.

Deborah Burger, RN writing in The Press Democrat

Video: Nurses for Healthy California Act, California Senate Bill 562

Nurses believe healthcare is a human right and urge Californians to support the Healthy California Act, SB 562 which has been proposed in the state legislature.

California Nurses Association

Close to Home: Nurses will not stop pressuring Rendon to do his job

With the defeat, for now, of the cruel U.S. Senate bill to roll back the Affordable Care Act, some are asking why the California Nurses Association continues to push for expanding health coverage, through a Medicare-for-all type state bill, SB 562.

Deborah Burger writing for the Press Democrat

New Boss same as Old Boss

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Given the record of the CEO-in-chief who now occupies the White House, it’s doubtful we can expect improved healthcare, or lower costs, under his leadership, which should give us pause before putting CEOs in charge of our health.

Michael Lighty, Director of Public Policy, National Nurses United

David Johnson, Director of Organizing for National Nurses United

Recent Supreme Court Ruling A Blow To Labor. Janus May Be Next.

David Johnson, Director of Organizing for National Nurses United shares with Nurse Talk Radio about the recent Supreme Court ruling to bar workers from acting collectively to resolve illegal workplace discrimination.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurse Compact Licensure

DANGER IN DISGUISE…why nurse licensure compact seems like a good idea BUT not so fast!

Ask yourself, who do you trust to make decisions about who should be allowed to practice nursing in your state?

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurses outside hospital hold signs "Keep nurses and patients safe"

'Treat us better': Nurses flee hospital jobs because working conditions aren't safe

Nurses are unwilling to risk their licenses or their patients’ lives by working in unsafe conditions.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director of National Nurses United

Healthcare CEOs doing just fine without healthcare law repeal

If the Obama health care bill is just a "government takeover," why are healthcare industry CEOs being rewarded with so much money?

National Nurses Movement