Tax cut deal – the latest threat to our children

In the aftermath of a tax deal that will accelerate the shift of wealth to the richest Americans, it’s worth calling attention to a new report about how far the U.S. is sinking below other major nations in how we take care of our children.

Rose Ann DeMoro

RNRN Helped in Haiti

“The whole place is a hill of rubble,” he said. “It’s really difficult to get your brain around that level of catastrophe. Where in the world have 200,000 people died in one spot at one time?”


In the Public Interest by Ralph Nader

"Here, look at this handsome L.L. Bean catalog and tell me what you want for Christmas," said a relative over Thanksgiving weekend. I started leafing through the 88 page cornucopia with hundreds of clothing and household products, garnished by free gift cards and guaranteed free shipping.

Ralph Nader

On the Road Again, Cancer Does Not Wait for Nine Robed Judges

My cancer won’t wait and doesn’t care about what nine robed judges in Washington, DC, say about healthcare. Cancer doesn’t care. Obamacare. Romneycare. No matter. Cancer doesn’t care. But the nurses do.

Protect the voice of nurses in California - Vote Nov. 6

Far too many of the patients and people in the community that I care for are suffering as a result of our broken economy. There is hope for them, and we all have the ability to help if we make an informed decision and vote wisely. Before we’re handcuffed by lethal cutbacks and before we become accomplices of injustice and the erosion of our right to protect one another, please join nurses in voting “YES” on Proposition 30; and, “NO” on Proposition 32!

CNA Voter Blog

Treasury Nominee Jack Lew Needs to Get Behind the Robin Hood Tax

Advocates for American communities still reeling from the 2008 financial collapse are calling upon the Senate Finance Committee this week to press Treasury Secretary nominee Jack Lew for commitments to hold Wall Street accountable.. One way to do that is to get his pledge of support for the Inclusive Prosperity Act, a bill introduced by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), which embodies the Robin Hood Tax —a small sales tax on Wall Street speculative activity that would raise up to $350 billion a year and start to turn around our hurting communities.

National Nurses United

Retired RN Kay McVay Honored with 2013 “RAGE for JUSTICE” Award

Kay McVay worked as a registered nurse in critical care for nearly four decades before retiring in 1995. She is a tenacious and effective champion of patients’ rights who was elected and served as the former Vice President, and then President of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee from 1994 to 2003. As a young girl growing up in Compton, California, school counselors discouraged her aspirations to become a nurse. The rest is history.

California Nurses Association

National Nurses Mobilize for Philippines Relief Effort

In the aftermath of the devastation from Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda in the Philippines, one of the worst storms on record, the Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN), a project of National Nurses United, has put out a call for volunteers and donations through its vast network of direct-care nurses both nationally and internationally.

National Nurses United

The doctor is NOT in

The slippery slope for patients, nurses, and doctors posed by robots in healthcare. For patients needing dialysis or care for acute kidney failure, there’s a new doctor in the nephrology ward at St. Joseph Hospital in Eureka, Calif. Meet the doc on a stick. It’s not a scene from “Star Trek” or the latest X-box video game. And, like the smooth-sounding, but ominous “Hal” computer running the spaceship in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” those side effects might be a killer.

National Nurse Magazine

Nurse outside The Whitehouse holding signs "Stop Ebola Now"

Ebola Preparedness – What National Nurses United Won in California

The state of California, at the insistence of registered nurses, has set an Ebola safety standard for the nation. CNA/NNU has defeated efforts by the hospital industry to limit the protection of nurses to the voluntary, unenforceable guidelines put forth by the Centers for Disease Control. Instead, we have collectively ensured an optimal standard for personal protective equipment and respiratory protection that will enable nurses to safely treat Ebola patients.

National Nurses United